Political Science 2237E Study Guide - Final Guide: The Good Life, Gift Economy, Dwayne Johnson

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Bunion: a good afterlife, the goal of life, greeks only have one afterlife called hades, regardless of good or bad. Tartarus (hell: some believe that there is no reward in the afterlife. Justice key political idea: an obsession for the ancients and the moderns, a good life is a consequence of being just (plato, the idea that people get what they deserve just world theory. The indispensable person/group that is most responsible for the well-being of the unit/society: the key to the well being of the unit, eg. dwayne johnson, hercules. Humans are divided into three pieces of a pie: ruling (rational) portion, courage (honor seeking) portion, appetitive (productive) portion. The polis is divided in a similar fashion: leaders, producers, soldiers, look at an entire polis and figure out what justice means. Talks about the polis at the beginning and works his way to the human by the end of the book (because they are parallels)