Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Petting Zoo, Speciesism, Ridicule

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Ancient greeks- more superior because equals to equals, therefore okay for man to man, woman to woman vs. monotheisms. Lgbt as a new identity group, defining their sense of self, set of attitudes, culture. Queer is a contested term, def. odd, weird, initially a term of abuse, now a term that is for identity (very controversial term) Overcoming legal discrimination, officially defined as a disease, mental illness until 1972 by. Overcoming homophobia, the hatred to the entire group in the interest of identity. A disproportionate number of homophobic hate crime victims are male. Public opinion in 39 countries that there is correlation that wealthy and less religious societies accept homosexuality more. Distinct nations, make claims to land, has a distinctive culture and traits. History of conquest and occupation, killing and disease europeans settler state. Indigenous culture is demeaned, and is lesser according to europeans. Want to overcome domination and restore ride and dignity.