Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shahada, Zakat, Hajj

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Islam, the submission or surrender to the will of god, alluh. Mohammed (570-632ad), the last of the great phopets who was sent to bring us the word of god. Qu"ran, the holy angel came and spoke to mohammed, the words get written down and become a part of the religion. Hadith, the action and deeds of mohammed that people must follow. The five pillars of islam: shahadah, salet, zakat, sawm, hajj. Shahadah- the profession of faith, god and mohammed. Salet- the 5 times of day of prayer. Jihad, means strain, effort or struggle, (lesser or greater) Radical islam is the attack and struggle against the enemies like other muslims. Shar"ia, taxing on the wealthy to help the poor, recommendation for theocratic rule. Since 1980 the us has invaded, occupied or bombed many countries such as syria, iran, etc. Joins muslim brotherhood, islam needed to be free from western values. Jahiliyya, the modern west is dominated by darkness and ignorance.