Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Positive Liberty, Liberty X, Negative Liberty

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According to the preferred definition of politics from the last lecture, politics: necessarily involves violence, requires strong leaders, is a way of dealing with conflict, is best left to the experts. In locke"s state of nature the executive power of the law of nature is possessed by. Markets : oversupply goods with positive externalities, undersupply goods with negative externalities, both a &b, neither a or b. According to rawls" favoured principles of justice, which set of goods is the most important: basic liberties. The wilt chamberlain (nozick) example is intended to show that: natural talents are morally arbitrary, liberty upsets patterns, patterns preserve liberty. Monopoly on legitimate violence: incarceration, punishment, police force, not allowed to take law into our own hands. Descriptive: how things are who has power, who makes decisions, etc. Explanatory: why things are this way what underlies european response, etc. Normative: how things ought to be how does democracy work, etc.