Political Science 1020E Quiz: Feminism

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The twenty-second lecture covers feminism, an ideology aimed at eliminating the subordination of women by men. One central aspect of human history is sexual inequality, injustice, and domination. We mention an ancient greek attempt to assert women"s power: in. Aristophanes" play, lysistrata, women went on a sex strike" for peace during the peloponnesian war in the 5th-century bc. The greatest liberal feminist is mary wollstonecraft (1759-97). She has an enlightenment commitment to human reason and equality, and she points out that women and men are equals in possessing the capacity to reason for themselves. She maintains that women are oppressed by social institutions, especially in the sphere of education. There are differences between men and women, but they are artificial rather than natural, and inequality can be ended by changing key social institutions such as marriage. In general, liberal feminists aim to overcome overt discrimination against women by changing laws and other social institutions.