Political Science 1020E Quiz: Conservatism 2

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Lecture 18: conservatism 2 to attract support from both. Catholicism as the only true religion, and asserts that human reason can promote human welfare only with god"s help. Nineteenth century cultural conservatives, such as wordsworth and. They worry about the industrial revolution and its accompanying emphasis on commerce and the pursuit of profit. Commerce detracts from culture and spirituality, and industry is dehumanizing and alienating. Societies are hierarchical and should be simple, rural, and communal. Tory democracy, as exemplified by the former british prime minister. Benjamin disraeli, attempts the aristocracy and the working class. In the united states, nineteenth century cultural conservatives reject the pursuit of perfection as well as capitalism with its accompanying harms. More recently, conservative" in the us has come to mean. This is confusing, but it is easier to remember if one notices that these people aim to conserve" what they already possess, namely, free-market capitalism.