Political Science 1020E Quiz: Green Ideology

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The twenty-fourth lecture investigates the environment and the idea of a green ideology. Midgley"s accidental death symbolizes the disastrous results that can follow from human ingenuity combined with bad luck and the failure to consider the long-term consequences of our actions. We identify several serious environmental problems the world faces today. Natural resources are disappearing, including natural habitats, wild food sources, and biodiversity. Other resources are dwindling, such as oil and freshwater. We generate harmful substances, like toxic chemicals and atmospheric gases. Population growth and economic development both increase the strain on the earth"s limited resources. We introduce ecology as an ideology that claims to be beyond left and right". Greens point out that all of the mainstream political ideologies justify human mastering of nature, with predictably destructive consequences for the environment. The dominant ideologies are anthropocentric" or human- centred; they assign no intrinsic value to non-human nature.