Political Science 1020E Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Comparative Politics, Egotism, State Capitalism

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Functionalism: the state is what does the state"s work. Not just specific organizations - also features: territory, sovereignty, public character. Public body = non profit - involves the recognition. Dualism = state is dualist in the sense that, there is a territorial boundary divide up the world from inside and outside. Inside = area where the state can govern effectively (monopoly of coercion) Outside = area where the state cannot govern effectively. Comparative politics deals with matters inside and international relations deal with matters outside. Specialists in international relations rather than comparative politics will be more likely to study. Social capitalism - markets left alone will create conflict. Let the market do its work but set some rules that mitigate damange. Developmental model of the state, drives the economy. Capitalism has proven to be the most durable modern economic system. National level - banks were bailed out by the government.