Political Science 1020E Midterm: POLI SCI 1020- NOV TEST REVIEW

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Law making and legislations within a state. A social process in which binding decisions are enforced. Usually has conflict or the potential for conflict. Laws are created that effect fundamental rights and freedoms. Politics are everywhere, including within families, the economy and the state. The activity of ruling over a body of people. An institution that is responsible for coordinating collective decisions. A territorial community that includes a centralized a government and authority. Authority reserves the right of legitimate physical violence. The currency of power that includes the ability to influence others" behavior. Includes hard power and soft power: hard power includes force, violence and bribes, soft power includes attraction, agenda setting and forms of propaganda. A society needs state protection in order to survive. Powerful states are needed in order to avoid disastrous interpersonal conflict inflicted by human nature. Humans are introspect therefore we are all the same. Human beings seek happiness, and this stems from continual success.