Physiology 3120 Study Guide - Cell Culture, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid, Blood Product

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Cell culturing is the in vitro technique used to grow cells or tissues outside the organism under strictly controlled conditions. Cells are first isolated from any tissue by breaking down the cell- cell and cell-matrix interactions. Once dissociated, cells need to be maintained at favourable conditions in a specialized co2 incubator that mimics optimal heat and gas conditions (co2 and o2 needed) as well as sufficient nutrients help keep cells alive. Cells are supplied with proper nutrients (amino acids, minerals, vitamins, salts, glucose, etc. ) and serum, a blood product devoid of cells which contains insulin to help take up sugar and growth (mitogenic) factors that help cells to divide. The liquid tissue culture media contains a dye known as phenol red, which is specifically added to indicate the culture"s ph. Acidic cultures arise when too many cells are present, consuming much resources, resulting in a production of lactic acid that turns the media yellow.