Physiology 2130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Common Bile Duct, Pancreatic Lipase Family, Stomach

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4 processes of the digestive system: digestion: mechanical and chemical breakdown of food, absorption: active or passive transfer of substances from lumen of the gi tract to. Ecf: motility: movement of material along gi tract, secretion: release of substances from salivary glands, gi epithelial cells, hepatocytes or pancreatic acinar cells into the gi tract lumen or efg. Mouth: beginning point of digestion (mechanical breakdown) of food but no absorption of nutrients here saliva secreted made of water, proteins and ions secreted by 3 exocrine glans. Major component of saliva is mucus produced by serous cells salivary glands are converging duct system (similar to pancrease) where multiple ducts flow into 1 main duct. 3 salivary glands: paratoid gland- secretes watery liquid that contains salivary amylase, submandular gland- secretes thicker liquid that contains mucus and amylase, sublingual gland- secretes more mucus and less amylase. Positively regulated by both parasym and sympathetic pathways.