Physiology 2130 Final: Physiology (final).docx

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Document Summary

Olfactory pathway: neural receptors, synapse with secondary neurons in the olfactory bulb. Olfactory neurons are constantly being replaced by basal cell layer"s stem cells . Hundreds of odor receptors, combination of signals from different sensory neurons create the perception of smell . Smell: primary olfactory neurons -> olfactory bulb -> olfactory cortex -> limbic system. Termination of olfactory response: 1) odorant molecules diffuse away, 2) enzymes in the mucus break these molecules down, 3) desensitization of the receptor, 4) adaptation. Papilla are most sensitive to one basic taste . Sweet, bitter and umami: presynaptic cell (type 3) Basal cell: stem cell of the taste cell. Sweet, bitter, umami: open ca+ channels, cells release atp, atp activates primary gustatory neuron. Sour and salty: open ca+ channels, cell releases serotonin, serotonin activates primary gustatory neurons, spinal cord + brain, function. Pns: somatic ns + automatic ns, function. Collecting and sending stimulus information to cns.