Physiology 2130- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 39 pages long!)

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Module 1: homeostasis: physiology: the study of function in living organisms, looks at mechanisms by which organisms control internal environments regardless of what happens in external environment. Internal environment: the fluid that bathes our bodily cells (interstitial fluid and blood plasma: external environment: region outside body (digestive, respiratory and urogenital tracts, homeostasis: maintenance of stable conditions within internal envt regardless of external. Negative feedback control systems: maintain body temp and body fluid volumes, all neg control systems contain a set point, a control center (integrator), an effector, a controlled variable and a sensor (receptor) 2. 3: body fluid compartments: the body (42 l total body water) is divided into 2 major fluid compartments. Intracellular fluid - inside all cells (28 l or 67% tbw: extracellular fluid everything outside cells. Interstitial fluid compartment the fluid directly outside/ bathing the cells (11 l or. 26. 4% tbw: plasma watery portion of blood (3 l or 6. 6%