Physiology 2130 Study Guide - Final Guide: Breathing, Intrapleural Pressure, Thoracic Cavity

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Number of lobes each lung has and why. Two major divisions of the lungs (basic anatomy) Separates thoracic cavity (lungs) from abdominal cavity (digestive organs) Bottom of the heart leans left, takes up space (cardiac notch) Space between the lung and the chest wall (between visceral and parietal pleura?) Pressure here is lower than atmospheric pressure. Lung is like fist pushed into a balloon, double membrane thin membrane that encases the lungs. Attached to the lungs thin membrane that surrounds the visceral pleura. It expands when you expand your chest and your diaphragm drops. Trachea (c-shaped rings of cartilage to prevent collapse) Microbial defense (bronchial epithelium covered in cilia. Cilia sweeps, germs caught in mucus, swept to trachea where you cough or swallow) (smoking disrupts the coordination of the cilia and leaves you more susceptible to infection) *air in conducting zone is not involved in gas exchange.