[Physiology 1020] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 29 pages long Study Guide!

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Slower, long term, indirect secreting hormones into blood first (endocrine) Maintenance of internal environment: body temp, body fluid volume, osmolality. Into bloodstream: hormones have specific target cells which have receptors for hormone. Hormone effects target cell by stimulating or inhibiting activity of cell. Three basic categories: tyrosine from amino acid secreted from thyroid gland. Intracellular receptors (inside cell: proteins derived from proteins. Located on cell membrane of target cell: since it cannot diffuse into cell, steroid derived from cholesterol. Secreted into blood in pulses : stimulus neural or blood-borne, in varying amounts (strength of stimulus, [small] in blood. Bind to receptor on/in target cell and take action. Must be recognized by specialized receptors (each hormone: hormones are hydrophobic/hydrophilic. Steroid and tyrosine: lipid soluble, receptor is within cell binding happens once hormone is in cell. Nucleus or cytoplasm: must be released by carrier protein. For blood circulation lipid soluble not protein/plasma soluble: once the hormone is inside cell.