Philosophy 2410F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Seven Deadly Sins, Richard Rorty, Gluttony

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In the time of passion", there was more vocabulary to supplement passion": now those other words have disappeared and now we are just left with emotion". If he comes up with a new word (emotion) people cannot refute it as it is a new word". Dixon article: emotion is a loaded term, passion ---------emotion, cognitive ------ non-cognitive, we can rationalize these emotions, medical (you caught emotions) ----(theology)----secular (descartes and whewell) --------scientific (brown, Emotions are mental states that necessarily (must) have a bodily expression. Trying not to make mistakes in judgements. Apatheia: patheia = passions, a = absence of, absence of passion. Look for all the names discussion in class (stoics, augustine, aquinas, descartes, brown, bell, darwin, Trying to go from a more sacramental (religious) approach to a more science approach. Change your thinking and therefore change your emotions. You must try to get away from these and become more wise. Four stoic emotions are different forms of love.