Philosophy 2080 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Court Of Appeal For Ontario, South Yorkshire Police, Sun Life Financial

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Indexed as: mustapha v. culligan of canada ltd. Present: mclachlin c. j. and bastarache, binnie, lebel, deschamps, fish, On appeal from the court of appeal for ontario. Torts negligence duty of care foreseeabil- ity personal injury. Mental injury customer suing his bottled water supplier in negligence after finding remains of flies in unopened bottle customer claiming mental injury whether damage too remote to allow recovery. In the course of replacing an empty bottle of drink- ing water with a full one, m saw a dead fly and part of another dead fly in the unopened replacement bottle. Obsessed with the event and its revolting implications for the health of his family, he developed a major depres- sive disorder, phobia and anxiety. He sued c, the sup- plier of the bottle of water, for psychiatric injury. Held: the appeal and the cross-appeal should be dismissed. [2008] 2 r. c. s. mustapha c. culligan du canada lt e 115.