Philosophy 1200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Colloid, Midbrain, Timpani

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A homeostatic feedback loop designed to keep your body at or near a set point. It"s the ability of the body to maintain a relatively constant internal environment. Note* it defines the functions of organs, tissues and biochemical reactions within the body and most importantly their interrelationships. This allows you to predict changes in the normal operation of the body. What are the two approaches used to explain the events that occur in the body: teleological approach (view body"s functions in terms of the body"s need, mechanistic approach (views body as a machine) List the three components that make up composition: lipids (phospholipids, proteins, carbohydrates. 2 fatty acid chains-non polar (doesn"t like water) Movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration due to a molecules random thermal motion . Once chemical equilibrium has been reached, the diffusion stops but the molecules continue to move. Define active transport: moves substances against concentration gradient.