Philosophy 1022E Study Guide - Precognition, Mena, Religious Text

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11 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Philosophy-wisdom; ask questions about happiness and death, knowledge. Based on observations of nature, and by forming conclusions. Finding answers to fundamental concepts by asking basic questions. Psychologists ask questions- does time exist or is it a notion of our mind. Religion- beliefs religious people say that not all can be explained based on science and observations. Prophets- have connection to non- materialistic person and have insights to deep spiritual powers, which is their source of answers to unanswerable questions. These answers are shared through stories from generation to generation. Time is both- subjective(how you feel it) personal feeling of how it passes. Objective (the clock tells the time) when its related to a material object that measures time. Both a clock and sun move at a regular time. Time that is felt or kept by regular motion. Passing from past to present to future in order. Cyclical time- reincarnation-when you die, you are born again, your soul returns.