Philosophy 1020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mind, Inductive Reasoning

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The study of the nature of what exists. An account of the nature of what the universe is and what it contains. The reality that an idea has, refers to the degrees of perfection of the thing that the idea represents. Degrees of perfection - more or less objective reality. Applies to ideas and the degrees of perfection of what the idea is of. I have an idea of god, the idea of god must have a cause, which has as much formal reality as the idea has objective reality. The cause of the idea with a certain degree of perfection must have that same or a higher degree of perfection. God has the most perfection, god gave us this idea, god must exist. Degrees of perfection that the representational content of an idea possesses. Reasoning on the basis of the best explanation - you can infer a claim about the world based on the best explanation.