Pathology 3240A Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Rudolf Virchow, Aortic Valve, Cytopathology

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The normal cell: nucleus -genetic material (dna), rna synthesis, cytoplasm- protein synthesis, rer, ser, golgi, mitochondria- energy production, lysosomes, proteasomes, cytoskeleton- structural integrity, cell/plasma membrane- ionic influx, maintaining chemical or electrical gradients, transports, receptors. If the environmental changes exceed the capacity of the cell to maintain homeostasis, injury occurs, and eventually cell death: adaption may not be enough, or it could become detrimental. Left ventricle has the thicker wall (relative to the right ventricle), and must pump blood really far - to the rest of the systemic circulation. The left ventricle has to be the strongest part of the heart because it has to pump blood to the rest of the body: also has a higher pressure; gives your blood pressure. If the enlargement of the muscle mass can no longer compensate for the increased burden. Disease: the pattern of response of living organisms to injury, disease results when adaptive mechanisms fail, or adaptive mechanism itself becomes harmful.