Nursing 4400A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Hyperkalemia, Cough, Shingles

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Providing high quality nursing care is not simply a matter of the nurse having up-to-date knowledge and skills. Being mindfully aware of the relational complexities that are at play in a situation and intentionally and skillfully working in response to those relational complexities. Interpreting assessment (client is in pain etc) Reflecting won"t learn unless you do this step. If it is not charted, you didn"t do it. Enables novice nurses to present like experienced ones. Don"t default to med model, (iding what is wrong, doesn"t work for multiple illnesses) The client is in charge of their own health empowerment. Watson: mind fullness, you are going to come across challenges, gather your thoughts prior to entering the room centres your practice. Week 2 nursing care for families living with pediatric chronic health concerns: asthma. Flare up, but the inflamm response changes that anatomy of the airway. Asthma exacerbations are the leading cause of hospitalization in children.