Nursing 1080A/B- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 91 pages long!)

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Expected values: oral: 36. 5 37. 5 c, axilla: 35. 9 37. 2 c, tympanic: 36 37. 5 c, temporal: 36. 5 37. 5 c, rectal: 37 37. 5 c. Factors affecting temperature: age, exercise, hormone levels, circadian rhythm, stress, environment. 2: rigors: sudden feel of cold with shivering, accompanied by a rise in temperature, usually with a lot of sweating on- set of a fever. Heart sounds: s1 s2, lub dub , s1: signals beginning of systole, s1 is loudest at apex or left lower sternal border, s2: beginning of diastole, s2 is loudest at the base. The top of the heart is the base. Palpation/ auscultation of heart rate: pmi: point of maximal impulse, heart rising during contraction to hit wall, midcovicular line, tapping. Is the heart in a position it should be: turnover on left side, 2. 5cm spot, stethoscope, diaphragm is mostly used, bell is used for heart murmurs, more specific sounds. Factors that affect heart rate: age, gender.