Media, Information and Technoculture 2500A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Iphone 4, Gestell, Computer Modern

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Lecture 1: danger (what is the meaning of technology?) Integrated in everyday life, no clear answer to what is the meaning. Technology is so essential to our being that its contingent on other developments. Experts in variety of fields present uniform vision of world in which technologies we use are said to free us and moving forward humanity fulfilling destiny to end things like suffering (ex. The presumed link between technology and destiny is something we should be suspicious of: men trying to escape the limitations of their body to enhance themselves. Most experts talk ad allow open to want to keep living the way we do, faith that will give us everything we want from technology. This misconceptions implicated in power and relations in global capitalist economy. This imagery omits worst aspects of the system by making us feel good bat current lives.