Media, Information and Technoculture 2200F/G Study Guide - Final Guide: Sexual Objectification, Castration Anxiety, Ego Ideal

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Lacan: the specific act of looking in the mirror being the foundation to identity construction. This form would have to be called the ideal-i" which situates the agency known as the ego, prior to its social determination that will only asymptotically approach the subject"s becoming (76) This gestalt is also replete with the correspondences that unite the i with the statue onto which man projects himself (76) For imagos, the specular image seems to be the threshold of the visible world, if we take into account the mirrored disposition of the imago of one"s own body in hallucinations and dreams (77) Foucault: the entire looking" concept of the panopticon, the feeling of always being watched. Inspection functions ceaselessly; the gaze is alert everywhere (195) This surveillance is based on a system of permanent registration: reports from the syndics to the intendants, from the intendants to the magistrates or mayor (196) - refers to operations during the plague.