Media, Information and Technoculture 2159F/G Final: 2159 FINAL NOTES

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Rock march 3 lecture 7: april wine oowantanite (1975) Opening fire bell (introduction to the ringer) Gives a sense of urgency (promising that something is going to be out of the norm the buzzer) Sense of progress (weisbard forward movement) The rise of rock and roll was a new segment for teenagers. Explosion of teen culture was seen after ww1. Age graded classroom, even music was segregated by age. Teenage audience was seen with rock and roll created a youth culture. Complex relationship between rock and rock and roll. Believing in progress (something is going to get better) The youth had special status in reconsidering rock. Rock = not a form of music but rather a listening formation. Lateral identity associated with the same age group (you become closer with people who are the same age as you) Income inequality dropped = income modernity (1914 1972) Music gets better and listeners get smarter.