Media, Information and Technoculture 2157A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Jacques Lacan, Cultural Hegemony, Ego Ideal

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Sign/signifier/signified: sign: basic unit of language, signifier + signified = sign, signifier: a form linked to an idea (the sound pattern, signified: an idea linked to a signifier (the concept) Sound image/concept: linguistic units are dual in nature, they are comprised of two elements: the sound image (signifier) and the concept (signified) Langue = the rules and elements that make up the system of a language; any sign system or system of communication. Parole = what users do with that system; what they produce. Saussure believed that linguistics should study langue, not parole. Saussure believed that the study of language should proceed synchronically rather than diachronically. Synchronic: a moment in the history of the language. To study language diachronically is to study the linguistic system as it changes through time. To study language synchronically is to study the linguistic system in a particular moment in time.