Media, Information and Technoculture 2100F/G Final: MIT2100 Final Exam - Definitions

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Jan 10 introduction hesmondhalgh, introduction and adorno & horkheimer, the cultural industry" (owl) Three ways to think about media (1) technoculture. How does the speed, scope, interactivity of media affect us? (2) political economy. How do corporate media work, alternatives? (3) cultural studies. Radio & tv: broadcast, cable & satellite, digital streaming. Plus borderline case search engines & social media. Cultural industries are those involved in the production of social meaning , & deal primarily w the industrial production & circulation of texts (hesmondhalgh 16-22) Political economy of media deals w the relation between power (politics), wealth (economics) & the cultural industries. Who owns & controls the cultural industries. How the cultural industries get revenues & make profits. The role of advertising in the cultural industries. The place of media in the global capitalist economy. How all these factors affect the content of the cultural industries. Max horkheimer & theodor adorno the culture industry.