Media, Information and Technoculture 1050A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Jimmy Dorsey

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Allowed: dictionaries, translating dictionaries, course texts, with underlines, highlights, post-its, sheet allowed in course pack 1 sheet, glued in. Not allowed: crib sheets loose sheets, stuff stuck into books, spread sheets, cell phones in exam room. Exam page: three questions, two quotations ex. Ender"s game, blue champagne: two quotations ex. Intro a scenario in the scene where . Example: falling down and blue champagne, discuss the question, find quote that supports thesis, conclusion that supports thesis. Intro: in this essay i conclude ___, because ____ have thesis in introduction. How to prepare: grid, look at tim"s take-away, get in to your ta"s head see their points of view and argue for what you believe differs. Cooper goes to the schools that do not do a good job of educating him. Calls his system a revolution argues that his philosophy is a change to the system. D-fens used to be a tech man drafting tools, etc.