Media, Information and Technoculture 1050A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Google Glass, Packet Switching, Ubiquitous Computing

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From the "networks" week: mcluhan, message definition, the medium reshapes and restructures patterns of social interdependence and every aspect of our personal life, the extension of one thing alters another (ex. Internet of things = when different devices communicate without our knowledge: automation, rationalization, efficiency, massage, political economy, ex. Cooltown ad, google glass ad: google glasses are all about efficiency but there"s a lot of labour for the individual as well. From the "informatization" week: hardt/negri"s three ages: break it down further, pre-industrial (pre-modern, decentralized, agriculture, commons, first paradigm in which agriculture and the extraction of raw materials dominated the economy. Enclosure: second paradigm in which industry and the manufacture of durable goods occupied the privileged position, things only have value because they"re scarce (material, factory related jobs. Informatization of durable goods as a service (tangible but customized: analytical and creative, affective labour of emotion affective labour of human contact and interaction, ex.