Media, Information and Technoculture 1020E Study Guide - Final Guide: Scale-Invariant Feature Transform, Macroeconomics, Information Age

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What yeah gotta do to not be a statistic: How to study smart- start broad and get specific; then write the exam before the exam. How to write the exam have to sift through the paper work and pick out the good stuff that fits your opinion . Slides give context: look at slides see what the outline is of each week. Readings give specifics (do the fucking readings: skim and highlight, important lecture notes in the margins, bring them all to the exam. Print & bring readings: know all the authors and their respective theories/gist of their article(s) The exam uses and works across all topics. Definition of terms are given on exam but it"s a simple one he wants you to compare and contrast terms and draw multiple examples (short answer = 3 booklet pages per question: eg.