Management and Organizational Studies 4485F/G Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Job Evaluation, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Informal Learning

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Employment equity legislation: initiatives that proactively target women, aboriginal people, people with disabilities and visible minorities to require or encourage treatment in employment practices in an effort to achieve equality in employment. Instead of waiting for complaints, it involves being proactive. Companies hiring disabled canadians are seeing huge returns on their bottom lines. Tim horton"s: hiring disable candidates to provide them an opportunity for employment. Is a federal legislation that applies to only federally regulated industries and employers. The eea has been criticized by some as promoting inequality rather than equality by giving preferential treatment to some groups. The eea requires all federally regulated companies to report annually on the workforce distribution of the four designated groups which is reviews by the canadian human rights commission. Diversity management: a strategic initiative designed to capitalize on an organization"s diverse talent pool.