Management and Organizational Studies 4485F/G Study Guide - Flexible Spending Account, Financial Institution, Outsourcing

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Moving to flexible benefits: better accommodate their employees, update content of the plan, get more bang for buck. One to one approach when implemented to overcome skepticism. Hotline implemented for help: managers informed adding depth to the communication process. Outsourcing claims: hr team freed up. While cash is less restrictive, benefits are preferred. Better than a wage increase that would have no significant value vs. healthcare: differentiation for employers. Toyota employee discount on leases, four seasons a free stay at any hotel. Self-employed persons can contribute both parts (employer/employee"s) @ 9. 9% of wage: benefits level according to the length of individual"s contributory period and level of earnings over the years, funded from both employees and employers. Financed through federal and provincial funding supported by payrll deductions of employee and employer contributions. Unemployed workers are eligible: previous attachment for workforce, are available to work each day, actively seeking employment, were not discharged for cause.