Management and Organizational Studies 3344A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, Canada Labour Code, Occupational Stress

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Week #1 introduction to occupational health & safety: Main reason we study include the increased costs associated with accidents and injuries. Direct costs = compensation, salaries for replacement workers, strikes and other overt costs. Indirect costs = pain, suffering, stress and things experienced by parties involved in the injury or illness. Due diligence company is responsible to monitor workplace and assess possible hazards in order to prevent accidents. There is confusion today on what truly is an (cid:1688)accident(cid:1689) or injury. There are regulation programs in place such as iso 1400 and iso 1700 series. Hazards include chemical, biological, and physical agents to psychosocial disorders such as stress and psychological well-being. The goal of the oh&s is to reduce occupational illnesses and injuries. Illness abnormal condition or disorder because individual was exposed to certain environmental factors/substances in the workplace environment. Injury cut, fracture, sprain or amputation due to workplace accident. Managers play a critical role in health and safety.