Management and Organizational Studies 3330A/B Study Guide - Radio-Frequency Identification, Customer Switching, Vertical Integration

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Supply chain a network of facilities, functions and activities involved in producing and delivering products or services from suppliers to customers. Supply chain management: coordination of the movement of goods through the supply chain, control of information such as sales data, sales forecasts, promotions and inventory levels. Tier 1 suppliers primary packaging, secondary packaging. Suppliers manufacturers wholesale distributors retailers: supply data . Logistics (activities: shipping and delivery, transportation costs, mode, lead time and traffic management. Pipeline high volume: distribution management. Facility location proximity to customers, business climate, quality of labour, infrastructure. Positioning of inventory: third party logistics. Purchasing (acquisition: ordering and receiving materials. On time: purchasing cycle, interface with accounting, engineering, legal debt, etc, develop a supplier base select, evaluate and maintain sourcing. Bullwhip effect outcome of not paying attention to scm principles (poor ops planning: increasing distortion of information along the supply chain. Customer demand gets distorted as info reaches suppliers: contributing factors.