Management and Organizational Studies 3330A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Production Control, Gantt Chart, Kodak

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Aggregate plan: production plan to meet aggregate demand. Ad: demand for product lines or product families. Agg(cid:396)egate p(cid:396)o"d pla(cid:374): a pe(cid:396)iod-by-period plan of production, workforce and inventory levels. Excess how to effectively used the existing capacity and resources. Maste(cid:396) p(cid:396)o"d s(cid:272)hedule (cid:894)(cid:449)eekly/daily(cid:895) aggregate plan (6-(cid:1005)(cid:1012) (cid:373)o"s(cid:895) business plan (2-10yrs) Change demand to ensure that it meets supply and production levels. Two approaches: level constant production rate, no hiring and firing, use ot and sc. Based on average demand (may use inventories and back orders) Average demand = production level for every period. Based on highest demand (guaranteed no shortages but lots of inventory) Highest demand in any period will be total production in every period. Based on max cumulative demand (guaranteed no shortages with less inventory build-up) Least amount we can produce on average. Ca = (total cumd opening inv)/(# of cum periods)