Management and Organizational Studies 3325A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Customer Retention, Search Engine Marketing, Switching Barriers

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Refers to a variety of metrics including visitors, unique visitors, page views, hits, etc. The fundamentals of acquisition: driving visitors to retail purchase opportunities. The problem: half of my advertising budget is wasted trouble is, i don"t know which half. - John wanamaker where so many people see the ad but not everyone who sees the ad is interested, therefore you are paying for those who are not interested in your product. Technology: the traditional one to many model of communication is being replaced by a many-to- many model ( rms and buyers transmitting customized content to each other). varadarajan & Yadav (2002: impression-based advertising, cpm-based, performance-based advertising (next week, cost-per-click (cpc/ppc, cost-per-lead (cpl/ppl, cost-per-action (cpa/ppa) Acquisition action: cpm or cost per mille [thousand] cpm =(total campaign cost /total impressions) x 1000. Limitations of search engine technology: spidering and indexing problems, content to query matching, the tree falls in the forest effect.