Management and Organizational Studies 3325A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Robots Exclusion Standard

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All begins with words types in search box. Helps learn about the customer as a whole. You need to get the right kind of visitor. Search for the term or phrase in the major engines and see what appears. Buy a sample campaign for the keyword on google or bing. Track impressions and conversions of at least 200-300 clicks. Using the data determine the value of each keyword. Search terms make up less than 30% of searches on the web. Must understand the demand for the given phrase. Also the work required to achieve high rankings. Moz chapter 3 why search engine marketing is necessary: Important part is making your website easy for users and search engine robots. Online forms: search engines aren"t good at completing online forms (such as a login), and thus any content contained behind them may remain hidden. Duplicate pages: websites using a cms (content management.