Management and Organizational Studies 3322F/G- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 64 pages long!)

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Integrated marketing communications: the coordination of all marketing communications in a unified program that maximizes the impact on the intended target audience. Media advertising: a focus on message and media strategies in a mass media environment. Direct response communications: communications that encourage immediate action. Digital communications: online, social media, mobile, and video game communications. Sales promotions: both consumer and trade promotions. Personal selling: any customer touch point is part of imc. Paid for message by an identified sponsor designed to stimulate a positive response from tm. A placement of persuasive messages to inform or persuade members of the tm. Can be either product oriented or promotion oriented. Product advertising: advertising that provides information about a branded product to help build its image in the minds of customers. Promotional advertising: advertising that communicates a specific offer to encourage immediate response from the target audience.