Management and Organizational Studies 2320A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Omnichannel, Multichannel Marketing, Warehouse Club

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Apple retail stores crucial to their overall success. Success is built upon taking full responsibility for their own sales. Sits at the end of the supply chain: marketing meets the consumer. Wholesalers are those firms engaged in buying, taking title to, often storing, and physically handling goods in large quantities, and then reselling goods (usually in smaller quantities) to retailers or industrial or business users. Retailing is canada"s third largest industry by size. Choosing retail partners factors: manufacturers assess how likely it is for certain retailers to carry their products. Consider where their target customers expect to find products, because those are exactly stores in which they want to place their product. Overall size and level of sophistication of manufacturer will determine how many of supply chain functions it performs and how many it will hand off to other channel members.