Management and Organizational Studies 2276A/B Study Guide - Consideration

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For good and valuable consideration means that the participants understand that consideration is involved (exchange of goods/services: jane isn"t actually getting any consideration. 1 services written with a capital s means that services stands for what it was just defined as (rather than restating all the services) 2 courts feel that contracts should have a specific term, continues to renew unless terminated. 3 5 basic business terms. 6 taking the base standard of service and said that the standard of care should be higher than just the minimum requirement: most say for a better standard of care, a higher price must be paid. 7 non-interference says the consultant and the individual acknowledge that since were helping you and this is valuable to our company, you agree that you won"t try to do business with our clients that you meet. 8 consultant can work for other people.