Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Judgment Debtor, Parliamentary Sovereignty, Trial De Novo

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Natural law : law is defined in moral terms, where only good rules are considered law. Legal positivists : look at the source of law. Only rules enacted by those with the authority to do so constitute law. Legal positivism helped shape law in canada under parliamentary supremacy which requires that we look at enactments of the federal parliament or provincial legislature as a primary source of law. Legal realist: law is defined in practical terms. Only laws that a court is willing to enforce is considered law. Helped shaped law in usa: allows judges to factor in current social and economic realities when making decision. Law and morality: we must not assume that obeying law means acting morally. Law definition: law is the body of rules made by government that can be enforced by the courts or by other government agencies ( i. e. rules that the state enforce)