Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Liability Insurance, Fiduciary, Income Tax

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Ref: 312: what priority must business owners place on the choice of the form of ownership for their business? a. b. c. d. Ref: 312: a business with no partners and no board of directors to report to is typically considered to be independent and positioned to act quickly when required. Which of the following is also typical of this form of business? its limited failure expectancy a. its limited life expectancy b. the diversity of profit-sharing plans c. the complexity involved in its formation d. Chapter 14: ellayne manages a busy law practice as a sole practitioner. Ivan is the sole proprietor of voyageur transport. He operates voyageur with three small ships that transport supplies by the riverways to northern settlements after spring breakup. Which of the following most likely applies with respect to ivan"s use of the name voyageur. Ref: 314: raven is the proprietor of read4life, a reading tutor service.