[Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (77 pages long!)

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2. legislative branch creates law in the form of statues and regulations the executive branch formulates and implements government policy and law. Government policy: the central ideas or principles that guide government in its work, including the kin of law it passes. Statute law and jurisdiction: each level of government has the jurisdiction: power that a given level of government has to enact laws, within its proper authority or sphere. All legislative duties not given to provinces. Property and civil rights within the province. Municipalities have law making authority that is delegated by provincial governments: examples: Taxation for the bene t of the municipality. Exclusive jurisdiction: jurisdiction that one level of government holds entirely on its own and not on a shared basis with another level: ex. Federal government: criminal law- de ne new crimes, provide penalties for breaches, pass laws for protecting public: can"t have provincial criminal codes because it would go against the constitution criminal.