Management and Organizational Studies 2275A/B Study Guide - Vicarious Liability, Insider Trading, Oppression Remedy

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A corporation is a legal person in the eyes of the law. Liability in tort: primary liability when the corporation is the entity that actually committed the tort in question. Corporations can choose to adopt these contracts, assuming liability. The promoter can avoid liability if the pre-incorporation contract says they were acting on behalf of the corporation. Criminal regulatory liability: criminal liability the identification theory is adapted to the criminal law scenario. A corporation faces liability pursuant to a wide range of statutory enactments related to taxation, human rights, pay equity, employment standards, etc. Regulatory offences have a criminal aspect because they involve some sort of punishable conduct that is contrary to the public interest. Directors elected by shareholders, manage/supervise the management of the business and the affairs of the corporation. Officers carry out many of the directors management duties and exercise their powers. The contract is disclosed to the corporation in writing.