Management and Organizational Studies 2181A/B Midterm: MOS 2181 – Exam 2 Part 1

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The structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behaviour. Don"t change very easily over time only a bit with adult learning experiences. A collection of multiple traits: recurring trends in people"s responses to their environment, examples: responsible, easy going, police, etc, there are 1710 traits to describe personality most are part of the big 5. Being dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hard-working and persevering. Holds the biggest influence on job performance (most important) Prioritizes accomplishment striving: accomplishment striving: a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing one"s personality. High desire to finish tasks, channel a high proportion to their efforts towards those tasks and work harder/longer on task assignments. Focused on getting along not getting ahead . Being nervous, moody, emotion, insecure, jealous, and unstable. Very few jobs that seek neurotic employees.