Management and Organizational Studies 2181A/B Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Life Satisfaction, Emotional Contagion, Job Satisfaction

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Personality: the structures and propensities inside a person that explain his or her characteristic patterns of thought, emotion and behavior; personality reflects what people are like and creates their social reputation. Traits: re(cid:272)urri(cid:374)g tre(cid:374)ds i(cid:374) people"s respo(cid:374)ses to their e(cid:374)(cid:448)iro(cid:374)(cid:373)e(cid:374)t. Cultural values: shared beliefs about desirable end states or modes of conduct in a given culture that influence the expression of traits. Ability: relatively stable capabilities of people for performing a particular range of related activities. Conscientiousness : dimension of personality reflecting traits like being dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hard working and persevering. Agreeableness: dimension of personality reflecting traits like being kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous and warm. Neuroticism: dimension of personality- reflecting traits like being nervous, moody, emotional, insecure, jealous and unstable. Openness to experience: dimension of personality- reflecting traits like being curious. Extraversion: being talkative, sociable, passivate, assertive, bold, domimant. Accomplishment striving: a strong desire to accomplish taske related goals as a means of e(cid:454)pressi(cid:374)g o(cid:374)e"s perso(cid:374)alit(cid:455).