Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Human Resource Management, Workforce Planning, Equal Pay For Equal Work

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

(please note: this is a brief summary of the lecture material only. Refer to your textbook and your full lecture notes for studying. ) Human resource management = policies, practices, and systems that influence employees" behaviour, attitudes, and performance. Employees are valuable to organizations they provide the experience, judgment, intelligence, and other characteristics needed to create a profitable organization with high quality goods/services and satisfied customers. Hr departments engage in the following functions: job analysis, workforce planning, recruitment, selection, training/development, performance management, compensation/rewards, employee/labour relations. Also important at every step along the way are legal issues and research. Ethics should guide everything that an organization does. Employees either set their own goals or have the goals set for them. Primary: collect our own data (laboratory experiment, quasi-experiment, questionnaire, observation) Secondary: we examine data collected from others (meta-analysis) Depends on jurisdiction (e. g. , schools fall under provincial, banks fall under federal)