Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Customer Relationship Management, Target Market, Unstructured Data

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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March 23 - market research segmentation, targeting & positioning. Efecive markeing begins with informaion that is reliable and relevant. New technologies allow for informaion capture on an unprecedented scale. The value of market knowledge and markeing informaion is in its uility and the customer or markeing insights that are gained. Customer or markeing insights are those new understandings of customers or the marketplace derived from markeing informaion or market knowledge. Sustainable compeiive advantage long term, proitable consumer relaionships. Limitaions to what markeing informaion systems and markeing intelligence can give marketers. Market research is the process of planning, collecing and analyzing informaion to recommend acion to improve markeing aciviies. It can reduce the risk of making poor business choices, and provides managers with insight to make decisions. Markeing informaion system (mis) set of procedures and processes for collecing, soring, analyzing and summarizing markeing informaion on an ongoing basis to help manage the data.