Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Grassroots Democracy, Feng Shui, Psychographic

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Subculture group who shares beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others (age, ethnic, region, home) Subcultural identification influences everyday experience and consumption. Microculture based on lifestyle/aesthetic preference go to events together preferences w/ strong ties. More likely than not to have things in common w/ others of own age than younger/older allows to raise red flags and comm. w/ members of age group in their own language. Gen y (younger than 25), dinks (double income young professionals, no kids, age 25 34), families (35 54), zoomers (55+) Labels/dates are subjective stats can most reliable. Gen x (1965 85) gen y (1986 2002) Multigenerational marketing strategy imagery appeals used for more than. Hopeful about the future w/ optimistic look on life, pos association w/ change/new/hope/excite. 26% of population baby boom echo, echo boomers, millennails, digital generation, nintendo gen. Teens (15 19) subgroups of gen y: cost, function, cool cachet, health, soc awareness.